Monthly Archives: November 2012

NASSCOM – GDC (summary)

Last week I attended the GDC by NASSCOM in pune,Hyatt Regency Hotel.It was the first time for me to attend a game conference of any kind.It was nice to see the panel outside the hyatt hotel which was welcoming us.It said “Rise of Indies”.I have been making a game for the past eight months and in the process my outlook towards games have undergone a transformation.From creative outbursts of programming to now a very serious researcher in games.

I met a lot of game designers, game developers , media executives , game scientists and some newbies like me as well.The first day was opened by the keynote talk by Glen Schofield from sledghammer games.Followed by the panel discussion about the State of the Industry (in gaming in India).I enjoyed the talk by Dr.Souvik Mukherjee who spoke on storytelling aspect of games.He started the discussion with some really cool examples.The talks had three genres and the first ballroom was exclusively dedicated to the indie track.I enjoyed the discussions that happened after the talk as well during the lunch and coffee.Will be updating more as I will be blogging more on “deVign” in the coming weeks.